Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Beelzebabe Origins

(This was the original cover for Beelzebabe #1, but then we had a better idea.)

Welcome one and all to the BeelzeBlog- the place where you will get thoughts from myself (TJ Hunter) and Brooke (the Beelzebabe herself)!

To kick things off, I wanted to speak a bit about the Beelzebabe concept and origins.  When I first joined Gentlemen Comics it was with a project called Sexual Tension.  Since we planned for the comics to go into completion, we tried a long form narrative like a movie with commercial breaks.  Though I loved that story, I knew it would take a while in the series for Sexual Tension to really connect with the intended audience.  I wanted to do a sequel/parallel series within the same universe that would be a bit more reader friendly.  That's when the first issue of Beelzebabe came to me.  Gentlemen Comics is all about great stories but with great sex and exploring different fetishes... one of mine happens to be a love of women and seeing female masturbation as a voyeur.  I also like a woman who is sexy, has a high sex drive, and owns her own sexuality.  So the mousy undercover freak character of Brooke began to take shape.  Since GC has a large American audience, the US has a love/hate relationship with sexuality so I wanted to incorporate that into the series and the character herself.  Brooke is very "horny," so why not give her actual horns and a devilish alter ego?

The first episode of Beelzebabe was a gamble, but I saw the story so clearly in my head that I had to try it.  I brought the concept to D (head honcho of Gentlemen Comics) and he was weary of it at first.  I suggested I write the issue, show it to him, and he would make a decision from that... I was happy he agreed.  Even after the script was drawn, colored, and lettered, it was uncertain if Beelzebabe was "sexy" enough for the Gentlemen Comics launch.  Thankfully it was agreed to let it move forward and to see how it would fare.

This is where I have to thank all of you Beelzebabe readers and supporters again.  You saw the concept and gave Beelzebabe a chance!  Though that first issue might have been slightly over-written, you all saw the promise of the series and you supported Brooke.  You don't know how much that is greatly appreciated.

So yes, thanks to all of you Beelzebabe was the superstar standout of the Gentlemen Comics thirteen comic launch.

While Sexual Tension was a movie with commercials, we made sure to keep Beelzebabe as a television show.  Each episode would pretty much stand alone and in hindsight that also helped keep the series successful.

This is getting a bit long, so I will go ahead and bring this blog post to a close.  I plan to do a few "Director's Commentary" type posts for each of the Beelzebabe issues as we continue along.  I hope you guys and girls continue to enjoy the series.  Feel free to add comments on things you would like us to talk about in the Beelzeblog and what things you would like to see more of in the series.  Thanks for reading!

- TJ Hunter

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